First Article Inspection

A First Article Inspection (FAI) is a quality control process that verifies that the initial production run of a product meets the required specifications and design intent. It’s a comprehensive review of the product’s design, production process, and output to ensure the product will perform as intended when it reaches the customer.

The outcome of the FAI is a detailed report that documents the results of the inspection and identifies any non-conformances or deviations from the design specifications. This information is used to make any necessary improvements to the design, production process, or product output to ensure that future production runs meet the required standards.

Overall, the FAI is an important step in ensuring that the product meets the required specifications and is fit for its intended purpose. It helps to prevent potential problems and ensures that the customer receives a high-quality product.

Our Process

The FAI process includes several key elements:

Inspection of Design Documentation

The design documentation is reviewed to verify that it meets the required specifications and standards.

Physical Inspection of the Product

The actual product is thoroughly inspected to verify that it matches the design drawings, specifications, and standards.

Measurement of Critical Characteristics

The key characteristics of the product such as dimensions, tolerances, and material specifications are measured and verified.

Verification of Manufacturing Process

The production process is reviewed to ensure that it meets the required standards and specifications.

Review of Production Records

The production records are reviewed to verify that the production process was carried out according to the approved procedures.

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Unit 2A, 17/F, Glenealy Tower No 1. Glenealy, Central Hong Kong